Services and Assistance
CANEGROWERS Mackay’s Grower Services team is committed to providing services that best promote the interests of our members.
Some of these include:
- Representation, advocacy and advice on a wide range of issues affecting farming entities including, but not limited to:
- Marketing
- Environment
- Water and Electricity
- Transport and Machinery
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Cane Firing
- Road Licence Matters etc……
- Assistance provided to the Bargaining Agents with the negotiation of Cane Supply Contracts
- Management of Cane Audit Service in mills
- Provision of advice on Cane Payment and Analysis issues
- Provision of experienced staff member to prepare a standard farm lease for Sugar Cane Production
- Provision of experienced staff member to prepare Sugar Cane Sharefarm Agreements
- Provision of administrative assistance with Sugar Terminal Shareholdings transfers
- For members requiring legal assistance, staff liaise with CANEGROWERS legal advisor, CJ Cooper on the member’s behalf
As a member of CANEGROWERS Qld, you have access to the following products, services and benefits:
- CANEGROWERS Crop Insurance – you automatically have access to crop insurance cover with the premium paid by CANEGROWERS.
- Cane Supply Agreements – as your bargaining agent, CANEGROWERS seeks the best conditions and terms from your sugar milling company. Your local district team is backed up by the wider CANEGROWERS expertise and experienced legalcounsel to ensure we are always monitoring the performance of your agreements.
- Local support – your local CANEGROWERS company provides you support tailored to local needs and priorities. The company is run by a board of local growers and the services provided are specifically designed around local priorities on farm business management, mill supply, productivity and community engagement.
- Legal Advice – you have access to free legal advice through the CANEGROWERS in-house Legal Advisor. This service can assist with issues such as native title claims, land resumptions, easements, dividing fences, trespass, aerial spraying, machinery performance and safety.
- CANEGROWERS Marketing Information Service – this independent service provides you with information, education and expert insight on sugar prices and production forecasting. You also have access to a tailored sugarcane farm Cost of Production Tool to help assist with marketing and forward pricing decisions.
- Australian Canegrower magazine – This printed magazine is delivered monthly and is also available to read online. It includes the latest industry news and information, CANEGROWERS activities and advocacy, grower stories and a free classified advertisement service for CANEGROWERS members.
- Member benefits – a range of great deals on farm supplies and health insurance, as well as access to competitive insurance productsthrough our team of qualified insurance brokers based in your local area.