Services and Courses

Seasonal Workers

  • provide information about work in the sugar industry in the Mackay Region
  • facilitation of registrations for workers seeking employment in the sugar industry
  • facilitation of registrations for farmers seeking workers for the harvest season

Seasonal Employment

  • scheduling workshops to assist people seeking employment in the harvest to be skilled in the operation of sugar specific heavy machinery
  • provision of online inductions to ensure safety compliance

RURAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY AWARENESS online induction – training for haulout and harvester operators

  • CANEGROWERS Mackay has worked with TAFE Qld to offer the new electrical safety online induction. This induction replaces the one that we offered previously and the content has been reviewed and updated by relevant electrical personnel.
  • This short course is suitable for sugar industry workers who are required to work near live electrical apparatus and some of the content includes powerlines risks, exclusion zones, step potential as well as some interesting case studies and short electrical awareness videos. The course will provide growers and their employees with a basic understanding of hazard identification, risk control and risk assessment specific to the rural industries.
  • The online course takes approx. one hour to complete and there is no charge. On completion, you will receive a certificate.
  • To enrol, visit the TAFE Qld website: Rural Electrical Safety Awareness | TAFE Queensland (
  • If you have any questions, please phone the CANEGROWERS Mackay office 4944 2600


  • information and resources to assist farmers to meet their workplace health & safety obligations
  • assistance in compiling Workplace Health & Safety documentation to meet compliance requirements
  • provision of online inductions and courses to assist growers with the training requirements for their workers


  • sourcing funding for training services
  • implementing and funded projects


  • advice and resources to assist with recruitment of workers
  • advice and resources to assist with induction of workers


  • for growers
  • for school leavers