Board of Directors

Canegrowers Mackay Board 2024

Mackay Canegrowers Limited as from 6 May 2022


Kevin Borg (Chairman) (07) 4950 2272 0429 876 441
Philip Deguara (07) 4954 1812 0417 796 468
Brett Leach (07) 4959 8994 0417 703 981
Wayne Schmidtke (07) 4943 2648 0429 957 639  
Greg Plath (07) 4954 5253 0429 050 396
Paul Vassallo (07) 4954 1365 0429 538 414
Frank Perna resigned as of 22/3/24
Joseph Borg (07) 4950 4118 0427 504 118
Bill MacDonald
(07) 4959 6072 0408 936 616