Leaving School
Think about a Traineeship
- are contracted to an employer for 12 – 18 months
- can combine training and work to successfully gain competencies in a vocational area
- can access government funded training
Check out the following careers:
- Agricultural Supplies Retailing
- Agricultural Machinery Wholesaler
- Agricultural Technology Officer
- Farm Machinery Maintenance
- Laboratory Worker
- Store Person
- Specialised Machinery Operator
- Senior Farm Hand
- Farm Maintenance Overseer
- Sugar Cane Analyst/Auditor
Think about University
With challenges such as climate change, environmental agendas and cost/price squeeze, it is estimated that 2,000 agricultural graduates will be needed annually.
Positions are available in:
- Research, Development and Extension
- Production
- Natural Resource Management
- Food Services
- Policies
Check out the following careers:
- Agricultural Scientist
- Distribution/Operations Manager
- Senior Environmental Scientist
For more information on the above careers