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STL needs to win back grower confidence

CANEGROWERS is calling on Sugar Terminals Limited to take the first steps on the long road to repairing its relationship with growers following last week’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) where grower shareholders voted down the STL Board’s remuneration report. Read the...

Growers need to regain control of our sugar terminals

In late January STL ended a long-standing operating agreement with Queensland Sugar Limited (QSL) and the breakdown in the commercial relationship between QSL and STL has been a significant industry issue since. “CANEGROWERS has repeatedly called on these two...

Stepping away from EU deal, the right call

CANEGROWERS has congratulated Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell on taking the courageous decision to step away from free trade negotiations with the European Union rather than sign a bad deal for Australia’s farmers. Read the media release.

Fire ant funding could help turn the tide

CANEGROWERS has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of an additional $268 million for the control and eradication of Imported Red Fire Ants, with CEO Dan Galligan calling the funding essential to halting the spread of one of the world’s most devastating...

Queensland cane harvest update

Queensland’s 2023 sugarcane harvest has finally hit the halfway mark with over 50% of the estimated 30.1 million tonne crop now cut and crushed at the state’s 19 sugar mills, although harvest is lagging in some districts, such as Plane Creek. Read the media release.

STL stop hiding from shareholders

CANEGROWERS is calling on Sugar Terminals Limited (STL) to let grower shareholders have their say on the company’s controversial decision to insource terminal operations and sever a longstanding and successful relationship with Queensland Sugar Limited (QSL).  Read...

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