Mackay Canegrowers Limited (MCL) trading as CANEGROWERS Mackay is an integral part of the CANEGROWERS organisation, the peak body representing Australia’s sugarcane growers in Queensland and New South Wales.

MCL provides services, representation and support to the majority of cane growers across the Mackay and Plane Creek regions on a wide range of issues including advocacy, marketing, water and electricity, workplace health & safety, transport, environment and best management practice, training and business management.

Latest News

Milestone sugar shipment headed to the UK

Australia’s first raw sugar shipment to the United Kingdom under the new Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) was loaded in Townsville on 10 July, opening an important new market for the Queensland sugar industry. View more information

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Show Cane 2023

Show season is almost here, and entering your cane in show is a good way to highlight our industry and to get behind our Pioneer Valley and Mackay Ag Shows. There are sections for adults, children, and schools, so we encourage you to take a look at the schedules...

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Sustainability Achiever

This year, Andrew Vassallo was the CANEGROWERS Mackay Sustainable Management Practices award winner in Mackay Sugar's annual Productivity Awards. Read about how Andrew farms in his profile story, featured in the June Billet. The Billet is a monthly magazine produced...

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Is government failing Australians on fire ants?

CANEGROWERS is calling on the federal, state and territory governments to redouble their efforts to halt the march of Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA), following the release of a damning report on the failure of the current eradication program. Read more here

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RFDS: Mental Health and Wellbeing on the Land

The Royal Flying Doctor Service has produced the booklet Mental Health and Wellbeing on the Land. A down-to-earth guide to mental health especially designed for people living on the land, it covers ideas for maintaining good mental health, managing stress, and...

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Queensland cane crush fires up

Queensland's 2023 sugarcane crush is officially underway, with harvesters roaring into life across the Atherton Tablelands near the end of May as growers, harvesting crews and mill workers start the race to get Queensland’s 30 million tonnes of cane cut and crushed by...

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Once in a generation sugar price sets stage for bumper year

Queensland’s 2023 sugarcane crush is just weeks away and once again growers are heading into harvest with a sense of trepidation and optimism. CANEGROWERS Chairman Owen Menkens says a recent spike in the world sugar price, coupled with a drop in fertiliser prices, is...

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Solving air travel’s emissions dilemma

CANEGROWERS has welcomed Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s recent public vote of confidence in the sugarcane industry’s ability to supply the feedstock for a biofuels revolution in Queensland. Read more here

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The Billet April 2023 front image

The Billet is CANEGROWERS Mackay’s premium grower’s magazine, delivered monthly to members. The Billet consists of news and information specifically for cane growers and farming businesses.  For advertising or subscription information, call (07) 4944 2600.

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